Wednesday 7 December 2011

St. Ives Apricot Scrub: Blemish and Blackhead Control

This is my all time favorite scrub! I have used this for years and can honestly say that if I were stuck on a deserted island this would be the one thing I would want to have with me (well besides an unlimited supply of food and perhaps my iPod).

Originally, I purchased this because I *really* enjoy exfoliating, but was finding that a lot of the products I tried were doing a less than stellar job. I stumbled across this at my local drugstore one day (literally tripped over the opened box that was in the middle of the store) and decided to try it because of the ground walnut shell. My first experience with this product was absolute heaven! Dead skin and blackheads were whisked away in seconds. My skin had never felt so clean and fresh. You can definitely feel the ground walnut shell doing it's job, it's not extremely harsh (at least to me - but if you have very sensitive skin you may want to avoid this product as it may be a little too much) and gets into every little nook and cranny. Aside from your face, this product is also great if you use it on your feet and hands!

Since my first experience with this scrub, it has been a staple in my bathroom. There are very few times when you will actually catch me without this in my morning routine. This is one product that I would recommend to everyone that loves to exfoliate. I never thought that I would find a great exfoliating scrub at the drug store and even more so not one from a common brand name.

I have found that a lot of people that complained about this scrub being way too harsh were also applying it to their face with a very heavy hand. The walnut shell has enough exfoliating power that there is no need to scrub heavily, treat it like you're putting lotion on a baby not wrestling an alligator!

*I  have also tried this product with the L'OrĂ©al Paris' new Go 360° Clean Scrublet and have to say if you ever have the chance to try the two together then go for it!*


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