Sunday 18 December 2011

Essie's Good To Go Rapid Dry Top Coat

About a month ago I ran out of my Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat and I hate not having that extra sheen on my nails that a top coat provides. I was dreading driving to my Sally Beauty Supply (the parking lot there is a death trap!) so I decided to stop by Shoppers Drug Mart.

After browsing the polish isle for a good 25 minutes and having a deep conversation with my favourite beauty consultant, Priya, I made my way home with this little darling, Essie's Good To Go Rapid Dry Top Coat ($9 CDN - on sale).

At first I was a little skeptical; could anything match my Seche Vite? Essie promised me that this top coat would "set nail color in seconds", but then again don't they all promise that?

After a few coats of Essie Ballet Slippers (which I find never really dries properly on my nails) I cracked out my new top coat. The smell was pretty much the same as Seche Vite, not much difference there. Although my Ballet Slippers coat was not completely dry, I applied a single, semi-thick layer on top of my newly polished nails and waited about a minute. I've learned to always give ample drying time after smudging countless manicures at the nail salon!

After the agonizing minute was up my top coat was completely dry! I could tell that the Ballet Slippers coat was still somewhat wet underneath but the top coat provided a nice protective layer (although somewhat plastic-y). It was pretty hard to scratch the top coat, unless you really gouged into it and you could also dent it and it would spring back to its original smooth form. I have a bad habit of painting my nails before I go to bed and then I wake up with lines in my polish, but with this top coat I was available to avoid that altogether! The sheen was also pretty comparable to Seche Vite

I did find that after a few weeks it did get a little gloopy in the bottle so I thinned it out with a little nail polish remover (Quo Acetone-Free Nail Polish Remover). The remover was blue and made the top coat milky in the bottle with a hint of blue, but it dried just as clear and as fast as it did when it was new.

This is definitely a product I would buy again.


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